If others cannot observe one’s preferences, and hence condition their behaviour on that, there is no advantage in having preferences that differ from the fitness function, which is the determinant of evolutionary success.#
Signals evolve only if it is in the interest of the signaller to supply that information, and only if the information thus supplied is reliable enough for the receiver to take it into account. Hence it is reasonable to assume that once the reliability of the signal is gone the signals will be selected out rather than become conventional.#
For every message there is an optimal signal, which best amplifies the asymmetry between an honest signaller and a cheater.#
A signal is reliable when the investment required for its use is greater than the potential gain a cheater would make from using it improperly.#
As soon as a signal is under voluntary control, it can be produced both honestly and for the purposes of deceit. Thus, it is no longer reliably honest like a reflex, limbic signal is. It follows that there is no possibility of creating voluntary strings of semantic tokens (that is, meaningful language) without sacrificing the guarantee of honesty.#Quoted in Chris Knight, “Puzzles and mysteries in the origins of language” (2016)
Although man is not, perhaps, the world’s only liar he is surely the world’s foremost liar. Certainly his reliance upon symbolic communication exceeds that of other animals to such an extent that it is probably for man alone that the transmission of false information becomes a serious problem.#
If the basic purpose of moral norms is to coordinate on the conditions under which one should cooperate in social dilemmas, this paper shows that the boundaries of such conditions must be fractal. In other words, as one focuses on the border of the area in signal space where the . . .
What’s the difference between a Renaissance nude and a Playboy centerfold?
Mark Twain sardonically called the painting above “too strong for any place but a public Art Gallery”.
In every gallery in Europe there are hideous pictures of blood, carnage, oozing brains, putrefaction—pictures portraying intolerable suffering—pictures alive with every conceivable horror, wrought . . .
A great number of theories have been offered as to the root of the difference between the modern mind and the premodern mind. One neglected account comes from Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money, which argues that the rise of the mass money economy in the early modern era encouraged calculative . . .
Since Bitcoin’s invention in 2009, permissionless blockchain technology has gone through several waves of interest and development. While applications related to payments have advanced at breakneck speed, progress in financial and nonmonetary applications have largely failed to live up to initial excitement. This chapter considers the incentives facing network participants . . .