Topic: History


Joseph Henrich, The WEIRDest People in the World (2020)

Chris Wickham, “Consensus and Assemblies in the Romano-Germanic Kingdoms: a Comparative Approach” (2017)

Guenther Roth, Introduction to Economy and Society (1968)

Barry Weingast, “Adam Smith’s Theory of Violence and the Political Economics of Development” (2017)

Leda Cosmides, Clark Barrett, & John Tooby, “Adaptive specializations, social exchange, and the evolution of human intelligence” (2010)

H Michell, “The Edict of Diocletian: A Study of Price Fixing in the Roman Empire” (1947)

Charles Murray, Human Accomplishment (2003)

J.R. Hurford, “The Evolution of the Critical Period for Language Acquisition” (1991)

Michael Bordo & Anna Schwartz, “Monetary Policy Regimes and Economic Performance” (1999)

H. Stuart Hughes, “Is the Intellectual Obsolete?” (1956)

Perry Mehrling, “What Is Monetary Economics About?” (2000)

Erwin Dekker, The Viennese Students of Civilization (2016)

F.A. Hayek, “The Trend of Economic Thinking” (1933)

G.L.S. Shackle, Epistemics and Economics (1972)

Jiang Quing, “From Mind Confucianism to Political Confucianism” (2011)

Richard Herrnstein & Charles Murray, The Bell Curve (1994)

Paul Johnson, Modern Times (1991)

Ludwig Lachmann, The Legacy of Max Weber (1971)

George Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking (1988)

Ludwig Von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science (1962)

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1939)

Bruno Leoni, Freedom and the Law (1961)

Bruno Leoni, The Law and Politics (1964)

Charles Franklin Dunbar, “The National Banking System” (1897)

Israel Kirzner, How Markets Work (1997)

Ludwig Von Mises, Omnipotent Government (1944)

George Mendenhall, “Law and Covenant” (1954)

Lawrence White, Free Banking in Britain (1995)

F.A. Hayek, Prices and Production (1935)

Lawrence White, The Clash of Economic Ideas (2012)

Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, & James Robinson, “The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development” (2001)

Tom Palmer, “The Hermeneutical View of Freedom” (1990)

Ludwig Von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit (1953)

Ludwig Von Mises, Human Action (1949)

Ludwig Lachmann, Capital and Its Structure (1956)

George Selgin, “Bank Lending ‘Manias’ in Theory and History” (1992)

Jeffrey Frankel & Andrew Rose, “Empirical Research on Nominal Exchange Rates” (1995)

Jacob Frenkel, “Flexible Exchange Rates, Prices, and the Role of “News”: Lessons from the 1970s” (1981)

Elinor Ostrom, “Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems” (2010)

Barry Eichengreen, Golden Fetters (1992)

James Buchanan, Cost and Choice (1969)

Doug North, Understanding the Process of Economic Change (2005)

Steven Solnick, Stealing the State (1998)

Richard Timberlake, “The Significance of Unaccounted Currencies” (1981)

Paul Samuelson, “Parable and Realism in Capital Theory: The Surrogate Production Function” (1962)

L Randall Wray, “The Credit Money, State Money, and Endogenous Money Approaches: A Survey and Attempted Integration” (2004)

Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1891)

A.N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics (1911)

Fustel De Coulanges, The Ancient City (1864)

Arthur Melzer, Philosophy Between the Lines (2014)

Anthony De Jasay, The State (1985)

Joel Mokyr & John Nye, “Distributional Coalitions, the Industrial Revolution, and the Origins of Economic Growth in Britain” (2007)

James Buchanan, Economics: Between Predictive Science and Moral Philosophy (1987)

Lawrence White, Competition and Currency (1989)

James Buchanan, The Logical Foundations of Constitutional Liberty (1998)

Thomas Sowell, Knowledge and Decisions (1980)

Axel Leijonhufvud, “Costs and Consequences of Inflation” (1975)

Doug North, John Wallis, & Barry Weingast, Violence and Social Orders (2009)

Caroline Humphrey, “Barter and Economic Disintegration” (1985)

Georg Simmel, The Philosophy of Money (1907)

Yuval Harari, Sapiens (2014)

Michael Mann, “The Autonomous Power of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms, and Results” (1984)

Adam Smith, Lectures on Jurisprudence (1763)

Milton Friedman & Anna Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 (1963)

John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (1859)

F.A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (1960)

Luis Lugo, “Caesar’s Coin Revisited (comments on Man, Society, and the State)” (1996)