International Money & Finance

International Money & Finance

George Mason University — ECON 420 — Fall 2017

On your shelf are goods labeled “Made in China”, “Made in India”, “Made in Mexico”, and so on. We take them mostly for granted, but for much of human history, international trade was relatively rare. The modern world has made the transport of goods much easier and less risky. But the interaction of multiple monetary systems – making sure everyone gets paid what they expected – is a problem that, if anything, has become more difficult and risky over time. This is the problem that the international monetary system is designed to solve.

The goal of this class is to give you an appreciation of the theory and the history of the international monetary system, and the problems it solves. Many seemingly unrelated developments, both current and historical, are linked by an undercurrent of problems with the international monetary system. This class will give you the tools to see that linkage, and to figure out the likely consequences of international financial developments.

The class covers:

Evaluation 4.91/5